Volume.22 No.6 October 2016
A Study on Safe Vessel Traffic Speeds Based On a Ship Collision Energy Analysis at Incheon Bridge
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.593-599
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A Study on Evacuation Time According to Seafarer Visibility
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.600-606
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A Study on Effective Operation Methods for Seafarer Safety Refresher Training Courses
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.607-614
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A Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Interactions Between Two Moored Barges with Regular Waves
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.615-624
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A Study on the Development of an Early Detection System for Altering Course of a Target Ship
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.625-630
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A Study on the Standardization of Education Modules for ARPA/Radar Simulation
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.631-638
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A Study to Improve the Operation Criteria by Size of Ship in Ulsan Tank Terminal
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.639-646
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A Study to Develop an Efficiency Analysis Model to Aids to Navigation (ANEffic) : Manned Lighthouses
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.647-653
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.654-659
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A Study on the Establishment of Specific Traffic Safety Areas at Pyeongtaek Port
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.660-670
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.671-678
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.679-687
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Effects of Korean Maritime Police Subculture on Organizational Conflict
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.688-693
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The Community Structure of Macrobenthic Assemblages in the Taehwa River Estuary, Ulsan, Korea
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.694-707
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The Budget of Nutrients in the Estuaries Near Mokpo Harbor
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.708-722
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.723-730
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.731-737
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.738-749
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A Numerical Simulation of Wave Run-up Around Circular Cylinders in Waves
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.750-757
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Development of Complementary Mild-slope Equation for Stream Function Over Permeable Bed
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.758-765
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.22 No.6 pp.766-772
Open abstract