Volume.29 No.5 August 2023
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.417-426
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.427-434
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Development of Mass Proliferation Control Algorithm of Phytoplankton Using Artificial Neural Network
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.435-444
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.445-455
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A Study on the Generation of Fouling Organism Information Based Aids to Navigation
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.456-461
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Study on the Evaluation of Ship Collision Risk based on the Dempster-Shafer Theory
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.462-469
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A Study on Improvement of Cadet’s Human Rights Violation
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.470-478
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.479-487
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.488-496
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.497-504
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Study on the Prediction of Motion Response of Fishing Vessels using Recurrent Neural Networks
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.505-511
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Flow Noise Analysis of Ship Pipes using Lattice Boltzmann Method
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.512-519
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Occurrence of Regalecus russellii off the Coast of Gangwon-do, Korea and Coastal Environment
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.29 No.5 pp.520-524
Open abstract