Volume.27 No.2 April 2021
Suppression of Coupled Pitch-Roll Motions using Quasi-Sliding Mode Control
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.211-218
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A Study on the Importance Analysis for Improving the Efficiency of Seafarer’s Policy
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.219-227
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.228-237
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A Study on the Improvement of Collision Prevention Algorithm for Small Vessel Based on User Opinion
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.238-346
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Improvement Plan for Ulsan Anchorage Based on Adequacy Evaluation Criteria
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.247-255
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Legal Status and Major Issue of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) in International Law
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.256-265
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Development of Mobile Application for Ship Officers’ Job Stress Measurement and Management
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.266-274
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.275-285
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.286-294
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.295-307
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Prediction of Change in Growth Rate of Algae in Jinhae Bay due to Cooling Water Discharge
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.308-323
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Analysis of the Change in the Area of Haeundae Beach Based on Wave Characteristics
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.324-339
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.340-354
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Temperature Variation of Exhaust Gas in Diesel Generator for Low Pressure SCR
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.355-362
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Machine Classification in Ship Engine Rooms Using Transfer Learning
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.363-368
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Design and Performance Analysis of Ring Stator for Crude Oil Carriers
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.369-376
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.377-386
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.387-393
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Development of Foundation Structure for 8MW Offshore Wind Turbine on Soft Clay Layer
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.394-401
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State of the Art on GNSS Reflectometry and Marine Applications
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.27 No.2 pp.402-408
Open abstract