Volume.25 No.5 September 2019
Empirical Analysis for Improvement of Safety Management of Coastal Passenger Ship
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.511-518
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A Basic Study on the Demand Analysis of Waiting Anchorage using Anchorage Capacity Index
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.519-526
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Analysis of Correlation between Marine Traffic Congestion and Waterway Risk based on IWRAP Mk2
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.527-534
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Possibility of Fishery in Offshore Wind Farms
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.535-541
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Standardization Method for Vessel Collision Warning Service Using WAVE Communication Technology
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.542-549
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A Study on National Response Strategies of Large-scale Marine Disaster
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.550-559
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A Basic Study on the Introduction of Human Rights Education for Seafarers
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.560-571
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Current Status of Ship Emissions and Reduction of Emissions According to RSZ in the Busan North Port
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.572-580
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Long-term Trend Analysis of Cold Waters along the Eastern Coast of South Korea
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.581-588
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.589-600
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.601-608
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Antifouling Effect of an Ultrasonic System Operating at Different Frequencies
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.609-616
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Optimal Gas Detection System in Cargo Compressor Room of Gas Fueled LNG Carrier
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.617-626
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Study on the Evaluation Method for EEDI of the Small Vessel using CFD
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.25 No.5 pp.627-633
Open abstract