Volume.19 No.5 October 2013
Assessment of the Environmental Value of the Geum-river Estuary
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.417-429
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.430-438
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Temporal and Spatial Variations of Water Quality in the Cheonsu Bay of Yellow Sea, Korea
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.439-458
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Fishing Characteristic of Beam Trawl Fishery in the Coastal Waters of Chungnam Province, Korea
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.459-466
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.467-475
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A Basic Study on the VTS Operator’s Minimum Safe Distance
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.476-482
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A Study on Evaluation of Marine Traffic Congestion based on Survey Research in Major Port
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.483-490
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A Study on the Navigation Rules of Wing-In-Ground Effect Craft
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.491-496
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Numerical Simulation for New Marine Instrumentation Buoy
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.497-502
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Study on Improving Safety Cultures by Analysing Behavior Characteristics of Korean Seafarers
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.503-510
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A Comparative Study on Cognition Difference of Maritime Polices’ Organization Culture
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.511-517
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A Study on Characteristics of Exhaust Gas Emissions of Water-Bunker Oil Mixed by Homogenizer
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.518-524
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.525-530
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Real Time Measurement of Exhaust Emissions from Main Engine using Training Ship
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.531-537
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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.538-544
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Effects of Shot Peening Time on Microstructure and Electrochemical Characteristics for Cu Alloy
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.545-551
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An Algorithm for Optimized Accuracy Calculation of Hull Block Assembly
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety :: Vol.19 No.5 pp.552-560
Open abstract